History :-
                   Phadke Prakashan was founded in 1984. In the early years, it was best known for text books, published as per syllabus of Shivaji University. By the turn of 90's, Phadke Prakashan was established as a leading publisher of maharashtra state. Over the three decades, it has expanded its horizons in publication of Text & Reference books from Std.XI up to post-graduation.

Profile :-
Phadke Prakashan is educational publisher of quality text & reference books in the field of Economics, Commerce, Management, Social Sciences, I.T., Science & Technology, Languages, Competitive Exams books. It has published more than many titles in the span of 20 years. Text & Reference books published by Phadke Prakashan have got name & fame among three generations of professors & students. Text Books written as per new syllabus for Std.XI & XII have got sanction by Maharashtra state Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary education Pune .

Our Authors  :-
All the authors of Phadke Prakashan are known entities in their respective fields, who have great amount of teaching experience in their subject. They had gone through in-depth study, acquired versatile knowledge of the subject and transformed in to text for betterment of knowledge of students.

Some of our eminent Authors :-

* Prof. M.G.Patkar -  He has written variety of books on subjects like Accountancy, Management, Costing & Taxation over four decades. He is well known author in Maharashtra state for his books.

* Prof. G.V.Kumbhojkar - He has written variety of Books on subjects like Mathematics, Statistics over four decades . He is well known author in Maharashtra state for his books.

Our Books:-
Our books are widely accepted in the market having reputation of wide range of publication includes all subjects in Schools, Colleges, books for competitive exams. Books have been published in various subjects as Economics, Commerce, Management, Social Sciences, I.T., Science & Technology, Languages, Competitive Exams books.

Striking Features of Our Books:-

  • Printed on best quality paper

  • Strictly written as per syllabus

  • Simple, Lucid but standard language

  • Meaningful, decent & attractive laminated cover

  • Error-free material in text

  • Written by experienced & eminent authors

  • Superb quality of printing & binding

Seven-fold Path of Our Business:-

Sincerity is our Achievement
Hard-work is our Foundation
Fast Service is our practice
Honesty is our Principle
Perfection  is our Goal
Modesty is our Policy
Quality is our Motto

Distribution Network :-
Phadke Prakashan has its head quarter at Kolhapur since its inception. Phadke Prakashan has a wide network all over the state with branch situated at Pune and resident representatives in all over Maharashtra. Besides it, number of  our Book-sellers spread all over Maharashtra.

Your Order For Books :-
You can rush your order for books enlisted in this catalogue. Our Marketing Department in the Head Office at Kolhapur, through your nearest bookshop and book dealers/agents of your areas. Please mention the book code, price of the book(s) and the quantity you require along with the delivery address while ordering.

Your Feedback :-
Our aim is to meet the requirements of students  and general readers and provide them full satisfaction. As such we are always eager to know the opinion on our books from users. It is only the feed back from the customers that will enable us to make the books up to date and more useful and relevant to the students.

New Authors :-
We need experienced authors to develop quality and relevant manuscript for us. The teaching staff of schools, colleges, universities are invited to write to us if they are willing to prepare Textbooks based on the syllabi of different subjects. Please correspond us.

The Future :-
With an excellent infrastructure, committed staff, good management, qualitative approach, Phadke Prakashan achieved premium position in publication field of Maharashtra State.

                 Phadke Prakashan is planning to provide much better quality Text & Reference Books of eminent authors, planned to reach maximum closer to expectancy of Professors and Students. Phadke Prakashan is planning also for venturing into new areas of production of Books. Phadke Prakashan is proud to be leading educational Book Publishers of Maharashtra & would continue to strive for more excellence in the field of Education.



M. V. Phadke & Co., Kolhapur was founded in 1973 by M.V.Phadke .It is well-known for its 'Super Guides' & 'Super Likely Questions & Answers Series' written by Prof. Desai & Prof. Limaye.

Information about its publications :-
  Super Guides:-
Super Guides have been popularized among many generations of students since 1970. These are proven to be most Useful & Quality, Exam-oriented guides made for sure success in exam, from School Level to Post Graduation.

Striking Features of Super Guides :-
  • Student friendly in nature.

  • Simple, lucid but standard language.

  • Model answers given to questions.

  • Strictly written as per syllabus.

  • Strictly followed as per pattern of question papers

  • Inclusion of previous exam papers.

  • Prepared laboriously by eminent & experienced teachers. Prof. Desai & Prof. Limaye - experts in field of education.

  • Master key to success in exam.

  • Guarantee of bright and sure success.

  • Model question papers given for practice.

Super Likely Questions & Answers #

            This series provides Most Likely Questions & their Model Answers to students for securing maximum marks in their exams.

Striking Features  :-
  • Most Likely Questions  along with their Model Answers - Likely to be asked in fourth-coming Exams.

  • Solutions inclusive of model answers to previous examination question papers

  • Student-friendly in nature

  • Simple, lucid but standard language

  • Prepared laboriously by eminent & experienced teachers.

  • Master key to success in exam

  • A way for Sure Success

  • Strictly written as per syllabus & exam nature of question paper



Books are available at bellow mentioned distributors:
Aamacao maharaYT/ataIla kahI pa`mauKa paustak ivak`otao
Ea`I kRYNa janarla sTaoAsa- à Ea`IgaaoMda 222970


pa`saad bauk Dopaao à {smaanaabaad 9271674851


E`aI bauk Dopaao à {smaanaabaad 9421354809


Amar bauk Dopaao à BaUma 272106Anamaaola paustak laya à k LMba 263657
mayaur bauk iDsT/IbyauTsa- à 227749Saha bauk Dopaao à tauLjaapaur


&aanasaagar à 2320885Anauipa`yaa bauk ejansaI à AaOrMgaabaad 0240 | 2340778
Cayaa bauksa pa`a. ila. à AaOrMgaabaad 0240 | 2383545, ivaVa bau@sa à 337371
maayaa bauk saoMTr à AaOrMgaabaad 0240 | 2360150mahoSa empaaoiryama à isallaaoD 02430 | 222387
mahoSa empaaoiryama à isallaaoD 02430 | 222387naarayaNa bauksaolasa- à 2392029
navaEa`I bauk sTa^la à 2345653nyaU AirhMta bauksaolasa- à AaOrMgaabaad 0240 | 2329192,
sarsvataI bauk saoMTr à AaOrMgaabaad 0240 | 2351138, sarsvataI bauk saoMTr à AaOrMgaabaad 0240 | 2351138,
sauroSa empaaoiryama à isallaaoD 02430 | 222387


Ea`Ipaad ga`Mqa BaaMDar à 2347307maharaYT/ bauk sTa^la à 2344155
maMgala ejansaI à 2354630

Ak lauja

jayagaaomaToSa bauk ha{sa à 223572vaOBava janarla sTaoAsa- à 225324


[MiDyaa bauk ha{sa à AkaoT Anaupa bau@sa empaaoiryama à Kaamagaava
Apanaa paustakalaya à 2443475Ea`I paustak Gar à 9823356455
kmala bauk Dopaao à 2435505


iSavanaorI paiblaSasa- à 9422856777laazIyaa ba`dsa- à 2672771 ó2675136
navayauga bauk sTa^la à 2672664saahItya sadna à 2572050


k`aMtaI bauk saoMTr à AMbaajaaogaa[- rivaMd` ipa`MTsa- à 225895


i~amautaI- bauk Dopaao à taumasar


pa`orNaa bauk Dopaao à


rajaIva bauk Dopaao à 257294


sTuDnT bauk Dopaao à varaora vyaMk ToSa sToSanasa- à


Ea`I rama bauk saolasa- à 221990


saubaaoQa bauk Dopaao à


ivakasa janarla sTaoAsa- à k Nak valaI 232048


AadSa- sToSanasa- à maalavaNa kaorgaavakr bauk sTa^la à saavaMtavaaDI 272621
lakI sTaoAsa- à vaoMgaulaa- 262424ramaoSvar sToSanasa- à
Saalaoya paustak BaaMDar à k Nak valaI 232229saubaaoQa paustakalaya à maalavaNa 252429


Ainala paopar maaT- à 230733raohIta ejansaI à 231522


ivaVaQana bauk Dopaao à 225548


gaaOrva bauk ejansaI à BausaavaL 223239


Ajaba paustakalaya à 2546710fDko bauksaolasa- à 2540875
ivakI eMTrpa`ayajaosa à 2644420jaya bauk kMpanaI à 2651008
maohtaa bauksaolasa- à 2542304ó2541881TayaTsa bauk Dopaao à 2522546


saMdIpa bauk Dopaao à {smaanaabaad 9422467147


idlaKauSa bauk sTa^la à 222833kaMtaI sTaoAsa- à 220085
paaTIla A^MD kMpanaI à 222013rajayaaoga iDpaa. sTaoAsa- à 222787
saurBaI sToSanasa- à 9822655553


taara bauk sTa^la à 245342


BaartaIya bauk sTa^la à 246602kRYNaa paustakalaya à {dgaIr 259783


Barta saolsa à igargaava 23821307GaaNaokr bauk Dopaao à gaaorogaava 28726405
hLbao ejansaI à igargaava 23851096ivanaIta bau k Dopaao à baaorIvalaI 28983695
ivanaIta bauk Dopaao à DaoMibavalaI 2459595javaahr bauk Dopaao à paalao- 26143902
samaqa- bauk Dopaao à maulauMD 25909989sTuDnT ejansaI pa`a.ila. à igargaava 4903334


AayaiDyala bauk kMpanaI à 24303335


jao.ema. DI. bau@sa à 2555213


ema. jao.zakur A^MD sansa à 2769540esa. jaI. {nhaLo à 2721082
maharaYT/ paustak alaya à 2721607


mahalaXmaI ejansaI à 2268901, 2234407


Ea`I jyaaotaI sTaoAsa- à 2504026mahalaXmaI ejansaI à 2578538


Aaoma bauk saoMTr à 231617ABaya paustak BaaMDar à 240265
naoha bauk saoMTr à ik navaT 9822313478saa[- bauk sTa^la à 241417


navanaIta janarla sTaoAsa- à 222265SaaMtaIlaala maaiNak caMd Saha à 223635


caOtanya bauk sTa^la à 221351Ea`I kRYNa bauk sTa^la à
gaNaoSa paustak BaaMDar à 21583pa`gataI bauk saoMTr à


fDko bauk ha{sa à 24482951


Ea`wa ejansaI à 220574manaaoja paustakalaya à 234392


saMklpa eMTrpa`ayajaosa à mahaD vhI. ko. bauk saplaayasa- à 22551


ga`Mqasnaoh ga`Mqa ivatarNa à 224868gajaanana paustakalaya à icapaLUNa 260607
janataa ga`Mqa BaaMDar à 222646pa`SaaMta ejansaI à icapaLUNa 256417
rKaaMgaI bauk sTa^la à laaMjaa 230897saaihtya maMdIr à 223210


jaI. Aar. taamhNak r à 2373605rtnaakr bauk saolasa- à imarja 2222564ó2220107
saMk paaL bauk saolasa- à 2326447


kuMdur baMQau paustak BaaMDar à 2626156mahavaIr janarla sTaoAsa- à 2723405
paaMDurMga bauk Dopaao à baaSaI- 224647.sarsvataI bauk Dopaao à 2626630


AlaMkar bauk saolasa- à 220456balaSaoTvaar bauk saolasa- à 235073
laaokmaanya ga`Mqa BaaMDar à 237436raiQaka sToSanasa- à 231813


baalaajaI bau@sa à 233908


paraga bauk Dopaao à ihMgaNaGaaT 232322


gaNaoSa bauk Dopaao à 245450ó246623ivajaya bauk Dopaao à
raohIta bauk Dopaao à AvaI- sau~aavao bauk Dopaao à vaNaI
saurja bauk Dopaao à pausad


ivak`ma bauk Dopaao à 25414428laXmaI bauk Dopaao à 5367371
ma^jaosTIk bauk Dopaao à saa[- jagadISa ejansaI à 56110413
sarsvataI ga`Mqa BaaMDar à klyaaNa


   Phadke Booksellers, a book shop celebrating 68th year of its inception. It was founded in 1938, by the Late Shri. Vishwanath S. Phadke. Phadke Booksellers is one of the leading book-sellers in Maharashtra. The primary aim is to provide Text & Reference Books of high standard & quality. Titles in Book Shop are classified under following heads.
(1) Medical (2) Engineering (3) Computer Science (4) Information Technology (5) Competitive Exams Books (6) School Books (7) Graduation & Post Graduations Books- All Subjects (8) General Books-on variety of subjects such as  story, health, fiction, horoscope, vastushastra,  biographies, technology, tourism (9) Compact Discs- Educational CD's, English Speaking CD's, Stationery Material & many more.

Our Customers:-
Our satisfied customers are spread, not in just Kolhapur city but also in adjacent area. Growth of academic institutions has inspired us to provide quality books & fast & efficient service to various Education Institutes, Professors , Libraries, Students & others. Besides direct sale of books, we are providing books through postal service also in various districts of South Maharashtra & Goa.

 Right from School to Diploma / Degree / Post-Graduation Arts / Science / Commerce / Computer  Science / Medical / Engineering / Management / Entrance / Competitive Exams / Set / Net / General Knowledge you just ask which title you want !


                Shrikrishna Pharmacy,  renowned  firm engaged in serving Homeopathic and Ayurvedic medicines to customers in Kolhapur. As a trusted and well-established firm in market, over the past four decades, it has expanded its horizons to become a leading  Homeopathic and Ayurvedic shop, dealing in Homeopathic, Biochemical, Ayurvedic and Flower remedies at present. Shrikrishna Pharmacy was founded in 1938  by Late Shri. Vishwanath S. Phadke through his disciplined, ambitious attitude and hardworking efforts.

Distribution of Products:
Dealing in Homeopathic and Ayurvedic products of following companies


Homeopathic Companies

Ayurvedic Companies

  • Sarada Boiron Limited - Delhi

  • Sarada Homeo Laborataries - Kolkata

  • Lord's Homeopathic (P) Ltd. - New Delhi

  • Medisynth Beck and Koll

  • Lonare Homeopharmacy - Wardha

  • Santi Homeo (P) Ltd. -Vijaywada

  • Wheezal Laboratories (P) Ltd. - Dehradun


  • Sharangdhar Pharmaceuticals (P) Ltd.

  • Sanjeevani Chikitsa Mandir - Ratnagiri

  • Baidyanath

  • Dabur

  • Ayurvedik Arkashala - Satara

  • Ayurvedik Rasshala - Pune

  • Shri Lakshmi Keshav Aushadhalaya - Rajapur


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